2014年4月3日 星期四

Professional JavaFX 8 Programming

I am working on a new book named "Professional JavaFX 8 Programming". It is my first book about programming in English. Although I have already published some journal papers before, however, it is my very first time to write a book in English.

The topics will cover:

1. Introduction of JavaFX
2. JavaFX Program
3. Layout Pane
4. JavaFX Event
5. Effect
6. Animation
7. Label and Text
8. Button
9. Selection Items
10. Scroll Bar, Slider, Progress Bar, Progress Indicator
11. Menu
12. Text Field, Password Field, Text Area
13. Pane, Accordion, Pagination
14. Directory Chooser, File Chooser, Popup, Color Picker
15. Web
16. Tree
17. Table
18. Chart
19. Canvas, Graph
20. Media
21. 3D

© Chia-Hui Huang

